Sunday, July 5, 2009

I have to brag just a little.

The food Network has a show called Throw-Down were Bobby Flay challenges another chief to something that chief has mastered and know for. The other day I watched one were they made breakfast. Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day. One chief made french toast out of homemade cinnamon swirl bread. It looked do yummy!!

I have tried and tried to make bread and it never turn out great. I have become a good Gluten Free bread maker(from and mix) but I have never made a good loaf of regular bread from a scratch. Well it finally happened and I have to brag just a little. And the best part... it was cinnamon swirl.

I sliced it and turned it in to cinnamon swirl french toast. It was soooo YUMMY!!!

2 comments: said...

Do we get recipes? That looks really good.

Stephen and Heather said...

That looks really good. I haven't tried to make homemade bread for a long time. Maybe I will try it soon. What is your recipe for the cinnamon swirl bread?