Friday, August 7, 2009

Chatfield Reservior

The other day I took the kids to Chatfield Reservoir for a day at the beach. They really enjoyed it. We took lunch and spent most of the day. They made sand shape with the beach toys we brought, and dug a big hole that turned into a tide pool. It was a great day and everyone had fun, but the kids did mention it was not the same asMass. The sand was rocky and not very soft and the water was dirty and not very clear. Vilate loved swimming out to the buoys as far as she could go. She had a hard time keeping her mouth closed and drank some of the water. Later that night she was complaining her tummy hurt and had a hard time sleeping. I stayed up most of the night with her. The next morning she had diearea a few times and I called the doctor. I was concerned she may had a parasite are something from the day before. The doctor told us what to watch for and if/when we should bring her in, fortunately as the day went on she got better. Hopefully next time she will try harder to keep we mouth closed while swimming.


Karen Croft said...

Looks like fun. I wish I was there to play with you!!!

Stephen and Heather said...

That looks like fun. Not quite the beaches that you are use to on the East coast though.