Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The 3 H's.

Hazy ,Hot and Humid!

The past few days have just been miserable. We have been above 95 for the past 4 days. Hazy Hot and Humid. The schools here do not have AC and so the poor kids have been dieing at school. The class room window are open and they do have fans but still is just sticky, sticky, sticky. The kids have been sleeping on the floor in Tyson and my room. We are not able to put AC in their rooms and so it hard to sleep. Tyson and I have AC in our room and so we have a party in our room at nights.

A friend from church invited us and any others to come swim in their pool. On Monday 27 people here there and Tuesday 36 people. It should cold down some today. The forecast is to be 86 today. The cool water was a nice welcome.

Tonight in scouts and I don't know if the church will have the AC on. I might need to plan some water game outside.