A few days ago I promised the kids we would go to the lake one more time before we left for Colorado for Kelsey wedding. With the rain this week it has been hard to find a good day. I thought for sure we would not be able to make it. At 3:00 as we were getting home from another crazy day running around town a friend called and ask if we wanted to meet them at the lake. I told her I had promised the kids but they were grouchy from our already long day. She said her kids were grouchy too and maybe today would not be a great day after all. We were about to give up but I remember Tyson had an Elders Quorum BBQ tonight and it would be fun to get out too. Dinner at the lake on the beach sounds fun. I told the kids rest and if they were good we would have dinner at the lake. Taydom fell asleep and Vilate relaxed. 5:00; I have dinner packed and ready. It was a beautiful evening. The sun reflected off the water with that peacefulness water has in the evening. The water was very warm the kids were even able to swim after dinner.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
dinner at the lake
Posted by Ann at 8:05 PM 1 comments
Friday, July 25, 2008
Blueberry Picking
Today we went to Tougas family farm and went blueberry picking. Tougas farm is a local farm here in Northborough were you can pick your own or buy per-picked. Everyone picks their own because it cost less and it's so fun. The past few days have been so rainy and not many people were out picking so there were tons of ripe blueberrys. We came home with 10 pounds of perfectly deliciouses ripe blueberry. We had the best time. We went with our friends, Micheal and Amy. I have never gone picking before so it was a new experience for me and the kids.
At the farm they also have minuter goats. The kids enjoyed feed and petting them.
I froze most of them but the kids are looking forward to blueberry pancakes, blueberry muffins, blueberry pie, and everything blueberry.
Posted by Ann at 3:09 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Playing in the rain
After dropping off Taydom at school Vilate and I went to Wal-mart to get a few things. We were not long but by the time we were done it was pouring. We ran to the car but still got soaked. It was raining harder by the time we got home. We brought in the bags and thought, what the heck....back out to the rain we went. Vilate and I played for about 30ish minutes splashing and jumping in the puddles. A neighbor came out and joined us. We ran up and down the streets having a great time. Surprisingly it was a really warn rain.
Posted by Ann at 9:28 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
May I have this dance?
The kids were dancing to Hannah Montana and having a great but loud time. It got quiet really fast and stayed quiet for a while. Sometimes quiets means something up and sometimes it does not mean anything, so I step away from doing the dinner dishes and turned the corner just in time to see this..... I made the kids do it again so I could video it. I have the BEST kids.....
I do not know who's idea it was but Taydom put on his Sunday best and Vilate put on her favorite dressup dress. Try to listen to what they say in the hallway before they talk out to the family room.
Posted by Ann at 6:53 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Monday through Thursday Taydom has summer school. Taydom, Vilate and I pick up Micheal, and I drive them to the middle school. Vilate and I then drive home or to the movies or somewhere fun. Eventually me make it home. Later Micheal's mother, Amy, pick up the boys and brings them back home. It makes it easier to only drive once to the middle school, and the boys really enjoy each other. They are always laughing or making funny noises.
Posted by Ann at 7:17 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 21, 2008
Buggin out
I have a friend that love bugs. Last summer when she talked about the different bugs her garden was attracting I could not believe she was excited. This summer I have started to notice them more and they are really pretty. Even a simple house fly can have beautiful iridescent colors. I still do not want bugs in my house but now when I stop to look at a flower and admire its colors I also look at the bugs on the flower, and admire their colors too.
Today, Vilate and I were outside in the garden when a dragon fly came and landed close to me. I told Vilate to watch it as I ran inside to get the camera. I was glad it was still there when I returned. Vilate was excited too. We watched it for awhile and took some pictures.
Posted by Ann at 4:18 PM 0 comments
Diggin' a hole...
After we took Taydom and Micheal to school Vilate and I stopped and watch the road construction in our neighborhood. They have been working on the road for a long time and say they will be working until November. Our neighborhood is fill with loud noises and big holes. Vilate took these picture and ask if we could put them on the Blog.
Posted by Ann at 8:22 AM 0 comments
Saturday, July 19, 2008
A day at the Ocean
We had the best time this weekend. Tyson had a business thing in Newburyport so the kids and I came along to spend the day at the ocean. Tyson dropped us off at Salisbury. Salisbury is located right were the Merrimack river and the Atlantic Ocean meet. As we got out of the car I saw this boat docked. A nice couple took this of the kids and I. ( I really want to try to get in picture more often) It had just docked a few hours ago. It came in from the Atlantic and up the Merrimack. WOW..... It would have been really cool to see it in full sail.
We walked down the river to the ocean. We could hear the waves but could not see them until we turned a corner. As soon as Taydom saw the wave he turned to me and said "Forget everything I ever said....I want to be a surfer when I grow up!" He could hardly wait to get in the water. I lathered them up with sun screen and they charged right in. At first they were a little timid but that did not last long.
The water temp was in the low 60, but the kids just loved it. They got out once and awhile to warm up, but that did not last long. Just as soon as they were warm they jump right back in water.
It was hard to pull them out of the water to eat.
Taydom loved splashing and jumping in the waves. He would run out and turn his back just as the waves hit him.
By the end of the day Vilate would go out quite far in the water and ride the waves back into shore. She saw some older kids doing it and she had to try it. She takes to water very well. I am amazed at everything she does.After the beach we walked around downtown Newburyport. So cute. Every store window had great displays, every windowsill had flower box below it, and every light post had beautiful flower baskets. I could spend a whole day just walking around from store to store.
The kids did not last long walking around downtown Newburyport. They were getting tired. We got back in the car and drove a little ways to Plum Island. We found a small Light House. (Very Small)
Posted by Ann at 8:34 PM 1 comments
Thursday, July 17, 2008
3rd harvest
This is our 3rd harvest. The peas are doing really well. Vilate loves to go out to the garden and check to see it there are peas to pick. This is our first zucchini. I was watching it every day waiting to pick it and I think I waited a little too long. It is a little big but I thing it will shill be yummy. The other day Vilate told me that it was HER garden, not my garden. Oh.... Okay. I guess she really is enjoying seeing the veggies grow. She is eating them really well too. It makes me happy to see he enjoy some things I like.
Posted by Ann at 9:39 AM 0 comments
Monday, July 14, 2008
Summer School
Taydom loves Summer School. He goes Monday-Thursday from 9-2. His teacher is so fun. On Fridays Taydom is so sad that he can not go to school. He only has 3 weeks left and I am sure he is going to be very sad that he can not see his teachers any more.
Posted by Ann at 8:04 AM 0 comments
Too Late to apologize
Tyson downloaded Alvin and the Chipmunk singing too late to apologize. The kids have played that song over and over and over. They liked the original song by Onerepublic but the chipmunks singing it is the one they love. I found Taydom at the piano Sunday jammin out.
Posted by Ann at 7:45 AM 0 comments
Saturday, July 12, 2008
So Jealous
The Crofts are back from Italy and at mom house. Yesterday everyone was there for Titans birthday party. I am felling kinda bad right now. But we need to be here in Boston, Taydom is doing SO good in school. The schools here are so much more educated on Autism and how to help Taydom. I love Boston, but right now I want to be home to see my family. Karen and Dixon are leaving for Arizona tomorrow and I am know I'll fell better once they are no longer in Colorado. Good luck guys, and I will see you at Kelsey's Wedding.
Posted by Ann at 5:38 AM 0 comments