May 23 Tyson brother got married to a great girl. Beau and Ashley were married in Dodge City, Kansas in park at 5:00pm. Taydom and Vilate were asked to be part of the wedding.
We left Denver right after the kids got home from school and arrived in Dodge City about 11:00pm. The kids always travel so well. We watched movies, played games, colored and slept.
The first day in Dodge was a busy one. First thing, we went to the dress makers so Vilate could try on her dress. She felt so special and so grown up having a dress made just for her. Later that night we went to a rehearsal for the wedding and them dinner. Taydom was such a gentleman to Vilate as they practiced talking down the aile.The morning on the wedding Brenda made her traditional cinnamon rolls. It's not the same without her cinnamon rolls. Vilate loves to help and Brenda loves the help.
About 2:00pm after everyone got ready Vilate was asked to go to the hotel to help Ashley. She really did not help much had a great time . Taydom looked so handsome with his tie, shirt tucked in and his new black shoes. He enjoyed hanging out this hid dad, papa, and Beau before the wedding.
The kids loved walking down the red carpet. The felt so important. They did a great job too.
Vilate made a great friend that weekend. Ruthy is the daughter of Ryan on of Tyson cousins, so that makes Vilate and Ruthy second cousins. They met at the rehearsal and played and the dinner that night and all day and night of the wedding.
Vilate danced and had a great time all night. She even caught the bride's bouquet.