32 weeks, 8 more to go.
It's getting huge. I waked it with the frig door the other day. The doctor tells me I am messuring right on but I feel HUGE! 8 weeks left and counting.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Getting Bigger
Posted by Ann at 1:32 PM 1 comments
It's a Girl! Now we need a name.
A few days ago I had another Ultra sound. I scheduled it after school so the kids could be there too. It was so cool to see how much the baby had grown. This time the kids could see things much clearer because the baby was bigger. This time the baby was much less active and we learned it was defiantly a girl. We also got a good photo of her face. She has a little turned up noise like Taydoma and Vilate. She will blend right it. Now to come up with a name. We have not found one we love. Any suggestions? Remember our other kids names are uncommon and so I need some unique ideas.
Posted by Ann at 1:22 PM 4 comments
Our first Zucchini, FINALLY!
We finally got our first zucchini from our garden. It has not been a good year for gardening. Tons of rain and hardly any sun. Many people have had a hard time with their garden this summer, and then others say they have had a great year. I think it depended on when you planted. Most people I have talked to that planned the same time I did are having trouble but those that planted just 2 weeks early say their gardens are doing great. I am sure it was all that rain we got late May and early June.
Note to self....Plant earlier next year.
Posted by Ann at 1:20 PM 0 comments
First day of Scool
August 18 was the first day of school. Believe it or not both kids were so excited to go back. Nana and Papa took them shopping for a few new close. They choose that they wanted to wear for they first day.
Taydom wanted to see his teacher again and was excited to tell them about his summer. He said the thing he wanted to tell his teacher the most was that he now has a dog he has to take care. I think he has matured alot this summer. His is willing to try things easier and wants to do more thinks by himself.
Vilate grow so tal this summer. I have not measured her recently but I know she is taller. This summer we worked on trying to be more independent and she really master it. She can help make pancakes and loves to do it. She is looking forward to helping alot when the baby comes. She thinks is will be a fun to be a little mommy.
Posted by Ann at 1:16 PM 0 comments
Last outdoor movie night
Our last outdoor movie was Hotel for dogs. The kids had a great time as usual. We brought Oscar too. Summer is coming to an end and the kids will go back to school soon. I think we had a fun summer and did not spend much money. I hope they have the outdoor movie next summer too. It was one of the kids favorite things to do each week.
Posted by Ann at 1:08 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Bike Crash into the Rose Bushes
Early this summer my bike rears broke. I took it to the bike shop and they said it would cost over $200 to fix. Yikes! So my bike sat most of the summer. The kids had been missing our bike rides. They have been riding their bikes around the neighborhood but that's about it. My brother Eric jumped on it the other day to take a little ride. Little did he know what a mess he was getting into. He came home and asked what happened to my rears. I told him what the bike shop told me and he said he would take a look at it. Why did I not think of him before. He use to work on bikes when he was younger. He raced and jumped BMX bike all the time. He was able to fix my bike for about $60.00. Yeah! So happy!The day the brother fixed my bike I was not having a good pregnancy day, and did not fell well enough to ride. Vilate wanted to try it. We put the seat down all the way and she was able to reach the peddle just fine. She rode it around the block and few times. We were all excited to have me bike working well. I went inside to get something and shortly after I heard Vilate scream. She was not able to get off the bike very easily and fell into the rose bushes. Luckily she did not fall directly on a bush but in between them. She had tons of scratches from the thorns and lots of blood. Some of the scratches were really deep and others not so bad. My bother was there when it happened and so he was able to keep her calm so she did not get hurt worse. He helped use clean out the thorns and I finished cleaning it and used anti-infection spray. She is healing well and says she like to ride her bike best.
Posted by Ann at 1:32 PM 2 comments
Sunflower Garden
The Pea Patch is a located not too far from us. It is a large area of land that people can rent plots and grown a garden. We like to go and visit a few times each summer. Some time our garden does better them the Pea Patch but most of the time the Pea Patch gardens are doing much better then ours. This year some one planted a ton of sunflowers. They were so tall and pretty. Vilate could not get enough of them. Taydom thought it was fun how tall they were. We are growing some sunflowers in out garden too, but I must say they are not that tall yet. Maybe in a few more weeks.
Posted by Ann at 1:29 PM 0 comments
We love old Cars
It is Western Welcome Week in Littleton, and that means lost of fun activities around town.We went to the old cars show downtown Littleton. When I told the kids what I wanted to do they did not want to go, but once we got there they could not get enough of the different type of cars there were. Taydoms eyes just were glowing with excitement and Vilate had a tone of question to ask the owners.
I love old cars and I was so glad to see the kids loved it too. This car behinds the kids was For Sale; so if anyone has an extra $20,000 laying around, Vilate wants it for her birthday in October.This car was build in 1951. Taydom wanted to have this one.
Posted by Ann at 1:23 PM 0 comments
Water Falls
The Flat Irons Mall is one on the newer mall in town. It is located close to Nana's and Papa's house. This last weekend we all went to the mall to waist some time and do a little shopping. To our excitement they had put in a new waterfall just outside in one of the courtyards.
The kids really enjoyed watching the water fall down the rocks and in to the small pool at the bottom. This may be a new favorite place to visit again and maybe take some nice photos of the family too.
Posted by Ann at 1:10 PM 0 comments
Raingutter Regatta
Last Wednesday was the Cub Scouts Raingutter Regatta. Taydom and I made a fantastic boat that morning out of Styrofoam and a plastic cup. We built it to the maximum measurement that were given out. He was so proud of his boat, unfortunately the raingutter had a large bow in it that made it difficult to pass throw. He was so upset. One of the scout leaders had some extra Styrofoam for the boys to us. Taydom went right to work making a new boat.
This time he made it a little slimmer to fit better in the raingutter. He liked the sail on the first first boat and glued it on the new one. He won every race with his new slimmer boat. He said it was battleship and put Lego and bionical guns on it at home. Sometimes moms help is not always the best, I should just let him do it all himself.
Posted by Ann at 1:05 PM 2 comments
Friday, August 7, 2009
Chatfield Reservior
The other day I took the kids to Chatfield Reservoir for a day at the beach. They really enjoyed it. We took lunch and spent most of the day. They made sand shape with the beach toys we brought, and dug a big hole that turned into a tide pool. It was a great day and everyone had fun, but the kids did mention it was not the same asMass. The sand was rocky and not very soft and the water was dirty and not very clear. Vilate loved swimming out to the buoys as far as she could go. She had a hard time keeping her mouth closed and drank some of the water. Later that night she was complaining her tummy hurt and had a hard time sleeping. I stayed up most of the night with her. The next morning she had diearea a few times and I called the doctor. I was concerned she may had a parasite are something from the day before. The doctor told us what to watch for and if/when we should bring her in, fortunately as the day went on she got better. Hopefully next time she will try harder to keep we mouth closed while swimming.
Posted by Ann at 2:09 PM 2 comments