Last Monday we set aside some time to go swimming at my youngest sister apartment. Unfortunately it started raining. The kids were so bummed. It was only raining a little and so I told them we could get the key from my sister so IF it stopped raining while she was at work we could still go. On the drive over there the rain let up even more and it was very warm outside. The kids really wanted to go swimming and I did not see any lightning so why not. They had a blast. I sat under a tree while they ran around in the rain and swam. We have not had many opportunity to swim this summer in Colorado. ("The Dry Land", is what the kids call it.) The kids have really missed the beach and all the swimming we did in Mass, so I am so glad I said okay. Sometimes a mom should say "yes" when normally she would say "no".
Friday, July 31, 2009
Swimmimg in the Rain
Posted by Ann at 4:23 PM 1 comments
I admit it, I have been complaining alot. But.....
28 weeks -vs- 25 weeks
I admit it, I have been complaining alot. My muscle have been sore and my ligament have really been acing. Some days it's really hard to just talk around. I have been living on Tylenol and just sitting all day. I told myself to stop and just deal with it. Well, I hit 28 weeks, and I thought it would be fun to take another photo and post it. Holy Freaking Cow! I really have popped out there these last few weeks! There is some justification to my complaining.
Many people at church and around the neighborhood have told me they had no idea I was pregnant. I thought I was showing before but everybody I asked said they could not tell. While, it's out now, and so is my tummy.
I'm going to try to do better about the complaining. I may need to live on Tylenol and do alot of sitting but I do not need to complain.
Posted by Ann at 10:10 AM 3 comments
24th of July
This year our ward had a pancake breakfast a the church to celibate the 24th of July, Pioneer day. The kids were invited to decorate their bikes and be in a bike parade. Vilate and I decorated her bike the night before. She was so proud of her bike. To this day it still has all the ribbons and streamers on it. We took off the flags to make it safer to ride.
Posted by Ann at 10:02 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Flash Back
It was a year ago this weekend that we went and spend an unforgettably day at New Berry Port. We had the best time. The kids still talk about it. We love the beach, and miss it so much.
Some day we will have a summer house there and fly to Mass as often as we want to spend a day in New Berry Port.
Posted by Ann at 9:53 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Outdoor movie night
Every Wednesday the kids look forward to our movie night. One of the local strip malls offers a free family movie outside in the parking lot. We bring our law chairs, dinner, treats and smuggies. Sometimes we even take my brother's dog, Oscar.
Posted by Ann at 11:33 AM 0 comments
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Happy Birthday Emma
July 7th was Emma birthday. She turned 7 years old. She is a small, petite girl for her age, it's hard to believe she is 7 when you look at her; but talking to her, soon you see how awesome and smart she is, it hard to thinks she is only 7.
Before we moved to Boston my friend lent me her stencil for make my kids some name plates for their rooms and a few other signs to put up in our new home. I made quiet a few and when Emma saw them she asked for one too. I told her I would make her one after I was done with all the others. Well... I forgot, and returned the stencil to my friend and moved to Boston. Emma was so sad and I felt so bad. Anytime we went back to Denver to visit, Emma asked me to make her a name plate. I told her I did not have the stencil any longer and apologized. I really wanted to make one but could not.
She has not mentioned it for awhile and so I did not too. Her birthday was coming up and I try to do something small for my kids to give to their cousin for their birthday. I could not spend alot of money. I remembered about the name plate she had wanted so badly. I called my friend and asked if I coulduse her stencils again. She was so excited and said nobody had used them from the last time I took them. I found some wood that my bother cut down to size and I dug out my mom's old paints. I asked Emma what her favorite color was and she could not decide between 4.
The night of her party we all went to her house for cake and ice cream. I was scared if she would like it or even want it still. She was so excited when she saw it. She said she really wanted one but thought she would never get one because I gave the stencil back to my friend and moved away. That made me fell happy she still wanted it. Next time I need to remember better.
Posted by Ann at 10:54 PM 1 comments
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Pirates Cove
I took the kids to Pirates Cove last week. It is a water park that is just the right size for us. The water slide are perfect for my aged kids, and I fell comfortable enough to let them run around together with out me. All summer long they have begged to go, but I did not think it was hot enough until recently. It just reach the 90s this last week. Before we have been in the low 80s, which I am not complaining about; but it has been a cool, wet rainy summer so far.
Believe it or not Taydom and Vilate are under the huge waterfall. You just can not see it.
Drying off at the end of the day, and getting ready to go home. Wow! nobody stopped all day to snack, but boy are they starving now.
That night we all iced our shoulders. We put a ton of sunscreen on first thing but I guess we should have reapplied it after a few hours. It is always hard to stop playing and remember to reapply the sunscreen. No one got it bad, just a little pinker them we should have been. We are going to try to go again one more time before school starts.
Posted by Ann at 11:05 AM 2 comments
Vilate's cake
Vilate made this cake with very little help from me. I am so proud of her. She was really proud too. It was a simple yellow cake mix in a bunt cake pan. She drizzled chocolate glace on top and served it with a dollop of white cream. It was very tasty.
Posted by Ann at 10:59 AM 1 comments
Sunday, July 5, 2009
I have to brag just a little.
The food Network has a show called Throw-Down were Bobby Flay challenges another chief to something that chief has mastered and know for. The other day I watched one were they made breakfast. Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day. One chief made french toast out of homemade cinnamon swirl bread. It looked do yummy!!
I have tried and tried to make bread and it never turn out great. I have become a good Gluten Free bread maker(from and mix) but I have never made a good loaf of regular bread from a scratch. Well it finally happened and I have to brag just a little. And the best part... it was cinnamon swirl.
I sliced it and turned it in to cinnamon swirl french toast. It was soooo YUMMY!!!
Posted by Ann at 11:07 PM 2 comments
25 weeks
The kids think it is so neat to see my tummy grow. Sometimes I fell HUGE but it will only get bigger.
Posted by Ann at 11:04 PM 1 comments
Our first harvest
With all the rain and lack of sun things have been growing very slow, and so we finally had our first harvest. On the package is said "Lettuces Mix" and that is exactly what we got..... many different kinds of lettuces. I grilled some chicken and made some homemade dressing a friend gave me. I added feta cheese, croutons other veggies. It made a great meal. The kids even liked it; minus the feta ofcource. I love to eat thing out of the garden. They always taste so good.
Posted by Ann at 10:52 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Cherry Blossom Festival
Every year the Denver Buddhist Temple holds a celebration of spring call The Cherry Blossom Festival. For many years I have hear about it on the news and read about it in the paper, and this year I really wanted to go. Tyson, I and the kids road the light rail downtown and had a great time. The kids always like to ride the light rail. It takes a lot longer then driving but it add to the fun of the day.
Vilate like the dancing and the native dress. They showed many kind of dances. Some this fans and some with sticks. It was very smooth and beautiful to watch. The lady of the left was so cute. She was our favorite. They had lots of booths and China things to buy. Vilate liked the jewelery the best. They had so real pretty jade necklaces and so colorful pendants she really liked. We looked at the art work made out of paper, the native clothing made out of silk and my favorite the flower and bonsai trees. I think the kids got a better idea what China was all about.
Taydoms favorite was the marshal art demonstrations. At first they would start slow to show the tecnect, then fast. I was shocked when I got this photo.
Silly us having fun on the train coming home.
Posted by Ann at 9:25 AM 0 comments
Hudson Gardens
Did I mention we love free days. Hudson Garden had a free day and we took advantage of it. We took Grandma and Maddy too. Hudson Garden is a beautiful botanical garden were many weddings and concerts and other special events take place.
Taydom and Vilate enjoyed the flowers and showing me the ones they liked.
Vilate wants to plant a huge flower garden in out back yard when we get a house.
Of course Taydom loved the trains the most. They had 2 trains set that went around part of the garden. It was hard to get him to leave that part of the garden.
They even had baby duck. The kids thought it was so neat to see them. They said it was just like the story, Make way for ducklings, and the baby duck we saw down town Boston.
Hudson Gardens also has a fall harvest festival. I sure the kids will like that too.
Posted by Ann at 8:52 AM 0 comments
Denver Museum of Nature and Science
Vilate and I continued out girl time by going to Denver Museum of Nature and Science. It was free day; we love free days. We spent most of the day in the museum's new exhibit about the human body. We were able to learn fun things about our body while learning why we should take care of it.
We also visited all the exhibits the museum had. Vilate also liked the rock and crystal exhibits and dinesores.
Posted by Ann at 8:23 AM 0 comments
Littleton Historical Museum
The other day I took Vilate to the Littleton Historical Museum. Taydom was at Brent and Mickey for the week so Vilate and I spent some time doing thing she wanted to do. We had a great time learning about Colorado in the 1840s and the 1890s. Vilate decided she would rather live in the 1890s because the houses were larger and was more modern, but she thought it would be fun to visit the 1840s for a while. She loved seeing the animals too. She said it was alot like Nauvoo.
Posted by Ann at 7:58 AM 0 comments