Taydom has a new friend. Her name is Rhaine. She is so nice to Taydom and Taydom is so nice to her. Every Sunday Taydom looks for her at church and Tuesday he hunts her down at Young Women when he goes to scouts. He brings her small gifts of candy and treats. It is so sweet to see him treat someone with such kindness.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Great Friends
Posted by Ann at 2:32 PM 1 comments
2 broken arms
Friday my neice Emma was playing on the monkey bars at school, fell and broke both her arms. One arm is worse them the other but they are BOTH broken. Poor girl can not do anything for herself. She is staying home from school and her mom is homeschooling her. Her left are is only slitly broken and so they are hoping it will heal fast and she can get back to school soon. Sunday when I took this photo her still had on soft cast because her swelling was bad. She has to be very carfull not to bump or move her arms too much. Thursday she has another appoitment and hopfully she will be able to get her hard cast. Get well soon Emma. We love you.
Posted by Ann at 2:30 PM 2 comments
Friday, February 20, 2009
Ester and Brandon's Wedding
The last few days have been really fun and busy. My cousin Ester got married. Wednesday we were are the church most of the day decorating. I like to helping with wedding decor. I think it is fun to turn a ordinary gym of the church into something romantic and beautiful. Ester was a gorgeous bride, and Brandon is a really nice guy.
I really liked this photo of them in the snow. The photographer really did a good job.
Ester loves red shoes and part of her decor was red shoes. Towards the end of the reception the red shoes got pulled down and the young nieces were dancing around in them.
This is my 7 year old going on 17. She posse so well for photos.
It was a great few days with a fun send off are the end. Her is a link to a fantastic slide show of some of her wedding photos.
Posted by Ann at 11:21 AM 0 comments
Monday, February 16, 2009
Fun day with the Cousins
Monday was Presidents Day and the kids had the day off of school. Colorado is having a very mild winter with many day in the 50's and 60's. This was one of these days and off we went to the Zoo. Our cousin the Sloans joined us too.
We started off eating lunch. The day before I made GFCF bread for Taydom so he could have a PB&J sandwich like the rest of the cousins.
We made a buddy system. Jaren and Taydom, Cierra and Vilate, Emma and Maddy, with Savanna with Amy. You had to stuck with your buddy. It made it easier to keep track of everyone.
I remenber having the best time with my cousin when I was younger. My cousin were my best freinds. I hope that my kids feel the same way too.
Posted by Ann at 7:14 PM 1 comments
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Valentine's Day
Tyson and I are really tight on $$$ so for Valentine's day we did not go out to dinner or buy each other anything but, still had a good one. We hung out around the house and spent the day with the family. My brother's friend was feeling bad and not having a good Valentine's day. I helped my brother make this bouquet of kisses and peanut butter cups roses to take to his friend
After giving the kids their Valentines from Tyson and I, we made sugar cookies and decorated them. Vilate loves to cookies dough the best. My too.
Later that night we doorbell ditched a few people we know. We tried to pick people that may have needed a little extra love. (older, signal people that spouse have died) The kids loved to ring the bell and run as last as they could.
I am sure that everyone know whoi the cookies were from. The kids were laughing and having such a good time that the person at the door had to of seen them. I hope the kids learned that it is nice to try to help others feel loved too.
Posted by Ann at 6:47 PM 3 comments
Friday, February 13, 2009
you can win
My "cousin" Heather started this. So you can blame her. I think that it sounds fun. So give it a try.
The first five people to respond to this post will get something made by me! My choice. For you.
This offer does have some restrictions and limitations:
1. I make no guarantees that you will like what I make!
2. What I create will be just for you.
3. It'll be done this year. {might be a little while}
4. You have no clue what it's going to be. It may be a story. It may be poetry or maybe even some creation I haven't even invented yet. I may draw or paint something. I may bake you something and mail it to you. Who knows? Not you, that's for sure!
5. I reserve the right to do something extremely strange.The catch?
Oh, the catch is that you must repost this on your blog and offer the same to the first 5 people who do the same on your blog. The first 5 people to do so and leave a comment telling me they did win a FAB-U-LOUS homemade gift by me!*Oh, and be sure to post a picture of what you win when you get it!*
Posted by Ann at 9:57 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Girl Scout Cookies
Monday we got Vilate's girl scouts cookies she had sold. WOW it was ton. She sold 182 boxes of cookies. I know it was a ton but did not picture it be this many. My mom took the order form to work. That is were Vilate got most of the orders but we also went a round a few neighoods knocking of doors too. She is so proud of herself. We have almost all of them delivered. I am happy for that. Hopefully the rest will go as easily as these ones.
Posted by Ann at 9:47 PM 4 comments
Wolf Badge
Last Wednesday at pack meeting Taydom got is Wolf badge. He was so proud of himself. He was so worried about pinning the mothers pin on me, but he did a great job. We is so excited to be a bear. He had a great time at scout last night. " Mommy I like being a bear."
Posted by Ann at 9:28 PM 2 comments
Fat Puppy
My brothers dog is so FAT! He is a dash hound with his tummy way too close to the ground.
The other day I was home alone and could not find him. After calling and calling him I was getting a little worried, thinking he might have been put outside and forgotten. I found him on my brothers bed STUCK!. He was wedged in between two pillows and could not move. He was kicking his feet and squirming but could not roll over. Poor thing...... LOL
Posted by Ann at 9:04 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 2, 2009
Taydom Birthday Party.
Saturday was Taydom birthday. We invited the cousin over for dinner with cake and ice cream. Tyson made spaghetti. one of Taydom favorites. All the kids sat at one table while the adults sat at another. I think the kids like to be away from their parents at dinner sometimes. We always hear them laughing a having a great time. It nice to know everyone gets along.
Taydom thought for sure he was getting the Lego Power Miner Christal Sweeper. We had been asking for it for a while. We showed it to me on Lego.com over and over. He showed me how it work and told me why he needed it. Of course we got it for him but he did not want him to think we did, so Tyson came up with a great idea. We wrapped a small boxes with one clue leading to another small box with a clue to another and another all around the house. The fist box he opened really caught him off guard. I told him to show me what it was so I could get a photo, and you can tell from the wonderful smile on his face it was not what he wanted.
After running all over the house a few times following the clues he finally got his Lego Power Miner Christal Sweeper. He was so excited!!!!
I made GFCF vanilla cupcakes with chocolate frosting for him. The past few birthday parties he has been to, they've had chocolate and he has been wanting it for a while. I hunted down a GFCF chocolate frosting receipt and all the necessary ingredients. The receipt "sucked" to say the least but I had to make it work. After a little playing with the ingredients, it turned out really well. I also made another regular cake for everyone else. Taydom will be getting cupcakes in his lunch for the next week or so.
Posted by Ann at 11:20 AM 1 comments
At the Zoo
Saturday was Taydom's birthday. It was such a nice day we packed up the kids and went to the Zoo. It was 65 degrees, we did not even take a coat. Soon after we moved back to Denver we bought a year pass to the Zoo. Knowing that money would be tight we thought a zoo menbership would be a good way to entertain the kids for a year cheep.We found something new this time. A large bird cadge were we could walk in and feed the birds. The kids LOVED it. We bought a small cup of the bird nectar the zoo sold. At first the kids were a little scared to get too close but once they saw other kids doing it they were ready to try.
Taydom loved to watch the birds tounges move up and down to get the nectare ou of the little cups and Vilate made sure that each bird had a little. She said she did not want any of then to be hungey.
Posted by Ann at 10:48 AM 2 comments