To celibate Chinese's New Year tonight I made pork fried rice with pot sticker and egg rolls. The kids thought it was so fun. My kids love to eat with chop sticks and so I try to give them a change as often as I can. Chinese's New Year was a great excuse to pull them out.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Happy Chinese New Year
Posted by Ann at 10:06 PM 2 comments
Priesthood Ordination
January 19th my nephew Jaren turned 12. He was born the same day I gave my mission farewell. (I kinda like to remember that.) Last Sunday we gathered to Jaren's house for his Priesthood Ordination. He has been excited and really looking forward to this day. Kevin did the ordination with Tyson, Collin (Kevin's brother), Don (Kevin's dad) and many others in the circle. Well done Jaren, you are turning into a great young man; and you will be a wounderful priesthood holder.
Posted by Ann at 9:56 PM 2 comments
Breakfast for Dinner
The other day it was a busy day and before I know it, it was 5:45 and I had nothing planned for dinner. The kids were hungry and would not last much longer without getting grouchy. I had to make something fast and right away. I made pancakes. They loved it. Everyone thought it was fun to have breakfast for dinner. My brothers even made it home for dinner that night. I might do it again.... but this time I will plan it.
Posted by Ann at 9:45 PM 2 comments
Huge flower
The past month or so we have enjoyed watching this flower grow. Every morning we measured it to see how much it grew. It was amazing to see how last it grew. Some days it grow 1 inch or more. It stands about 26 inches now. As the flowers bloomed the kids were so excited to see what color it would be. I have got to remember and do this again new year.
Posted by Ann at 9:37 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
An Afternoom with Freinds
Monday before I returned to Denver I spent the day with friends. Alison picked me and Amy up and we drove to see the Temple. Amy had not seen the Temple before. It was great to show her it. Of course it was closed because it was Monday. Alison pointed out that the temple had a theme through out it. I did not know that and I was eager to learn it too. Who knows.... maybe in a year I will flight back again to go through the temple with Amy.... and hopefully Jim and Micheal too.
After visiting the Temple grounds we drove downtown and had lunch at Quincey Market. Last time I was there it was soooo busy. This time it was not crazy busy and I was able to enjoy it much more. I had Lobster Bisque, Alison had a Gyro and Amy had Lentil Soap. It is so great how you can get any type of food.
After lunch we walked around "The North End". We saw Paul Revers house and "The Old North Church". The Old North church is were Paul Revere hung the lantern alerting that colonists the at the British troops were coming. I love how New England decorate for the holidays with wreaths, red bows and pine garland.
I love Italy pastries. Just down the street from my home in Boston was a small Italy pastry shop. Every once in a while I would treat myself. I had heard of this pastry shop in Little Italy but never went, and so when Alison mention it while we were in The North End I was excited and really wanted to try their yummy treats. I saw a piece of Ricotta Cheese Pie that look so savory and heavenly. I got a piece and was so excited to sit and really enjoy it. At the airport I made it though security, put my bag and coat down and my box with my pastry on top. I closed my eyes for just 30 minutes to relax. I opened my eyes and it was gone.....someone stole my pastry! I could not believe it. My mouth is still watering.
It was so hard to leave. It took me a while but I really love New England. I had a great trip.
Posted by Ann at 4:21 PM 2 comments
Off to Boston
Saturday morning Tyson dropped me off at the airport and off I went to Boston. I was so excited!!! I have missed New England the past few months. My friend Kristi picked me up from the airport and we spent the day hanging out.
It was fun to just spend time with her. I looked at her scrapbooks and her latest projects. She is so creative and talented. This is a photo of her and her daughter Madison. Vilate and her became friends too. Maddy was sad I could not bring Vilate. Maybe later, hopefully this summer we all can take a trip.
Posted by Ann at 4:04 PM 0 comments
Amy's Baptism
Sunday Jan 11 Amy Guilford was baptised. Amy and I became friends while we lived in Mass. I could not miss her baptism and so I flew to Boston Saturday.
Saturday night it started snowing. The weather man said it be a big storm of 10+ inches. I was praying that we would not get that much. The church building in Mass is down a big hill were snow collects easily and once your down in the parking lot it is hard to get out. For this reason church gets canceled alot in the winter. Amy's baptism was scheduled right after church and if it was canceled ..... they could not cancel church.
Sunday morning we woke up to 4 inches of snow. I was so happy we did not get a ton of snow. About 9 ish we got a call saying the stake president had canceled church. I could not believe it. The people I was staying with called the bishop and ask about the baptism, and soon we got and other call saying the cancellation was a mistake and church was still on. I was so happy.
By 12:30 when we headed to church the roads were plowed and clear. The baptism was great. The bishop shorten church by one hour so everyone could get home before the roads got icy again. Almost everyone stayed after church for the baptism. Amy's husband Jim and son Micheal were there too. The spirit was so strong. Mark Edlinger talked about baptism and Alison Bamlforth talked about the Holy Ghost. Amy was baptized by Elder Powell. After many people hung out and talked and ate munchies. It was a great day.
Amy has been one on my all time best friends. I am so glad we now have the Gospel in common too.
Posted by Ann at 3:53 PM 1 comments
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Sir Oscar Bling
About 5 year ago my brother payed way too much $$$ and bought a purebred dog and then payed more $$$$ to register the dogs papers. Abe named it Sir. Oscar Bling. Oscar has always been a big eater and Abe has needed to watch what Oscar eats. Well.... for a short period of time Abe was not able to keep his dog so a friend watched him. Oscar got FAT. Abe been very upset about how FAT Oscar is and so tonight we put Oscar on the treadmill. Needless to say; it did not go over very well. It's a good laugh though. Oscar was so mad at Abe.
Posted by Ann at 10:49 PM 1 comments
Home Depot Project
Last month the kids had so much fun we decided to go to Home Depot again to do another project. This time they made a tool box. This project was a little more difficult then last month but they still did a great job.A few day later Vilate painted her's pink and yellow. We will see if the kids want to do it again next month.
Posted by Ann at 10:37 PM 0 comments
Friday, January 2, 2009
New Years Eve
New Years Eve Day was so nice outside. We went to the park and played Baseball. Everyone had the chance to hit. The kids got a T so they could practice their technique on swinging. Both the kids can fit a pitched ball but their technique is BAD. After having the ball on a T and learning to swing correctly it really helped them hit a pitched ball better.
That night we all stayed up until midnight. I was very hesitant to let the kids stay up but they did great. We played Clue Jr. and Monopoly and watched the Disney Channels countdown to New Years.
At 12:00 we popped confetti and celebrated the new year arriving. I think the kids had a great time. The following day we all slept in and took a nap. We had a really mellow day to help everyone stay happy and re coop from the late night.
Posted by Ann at 10:16 AM 0 comments
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Back home
We left for home on the 28th. The kids were so excited to open their gifts from mom and dad. It was like two Christmases for them. Vilate got a ton of crafts and Taydom got more baseball things. I kinda liked spreading out the gifts. This way the kids did not get too over stimulated with lots of new stuff all at once. They were able to play with some new stuff and them a few days they got more new stuff.
Posted by Ann at 9:03 PM 0 comments
Christmas Day
The kids were so excited that Santa was able to find us in Kansas. They were so worried that he would leave their gifts back in Denver.
Taydom woke up really early Christmas morning and looked under the tree for his gifts. He was so sad when he came into our room and said Santa did not find us. He wanted to call home to asked Grandma to look and see if Santa left gifts there. He snuggled with me in bed until Vilate woke up. He told Vilate that Santa did not come and they were both very sad. I told them that they need to look again, I was sure Santa know were to find us. We all went into the living room and that is when he saw the gifts by the fireplace and not under the tree. They were so excited!!!
While in Boston the kids really got in to Baseball. Everyone in Boston is REALLY in to Baseball. We all got base ball gloves and a few balls. The weather was really nice both Christmas day and the following day while we were in Dodge. The kids played outside alot. Dad and Papa and Paul all played catch with the kids. It was really cool to see them improve over the few days.
Every night we all played games. Tyson's family loves to play card games. They stay up way into the early morning playing. As a child I remember my parents doing the same. As I got older I tried and failed miserable at card games. Sense then I have tried many times but I just can not get it. And so not wanting to embarrass myself I stay away from them, but I am up for any other game. We played Picturary and Scatergories just to name a few. Thanks Grandma and Grandpa, we really had a great time.
Posted by Ann at 8:56 PM 0 comments
Christmas Eve
This year we went to Dodge City, Kansas. Tyson lived there when he was a small child and many family members still live there or not too far. It was nice to see everyone. Papa and Nana Traveled from Denver.
Vilate loves Brenda. She always brings a coloring book for them to do together.
Of course the kids could not wait. We let them open some of their gifts the night of Christmas Eve.
Tyson's uncle gave everyone two Kansas Lotto Tickets. We won $7.00 but forgot to cash them in before we left. Maybe we will mail them to Grandma and Grandpa.
Posted by Ann at 8:40 PM 0 comments