Vilate has a new blog all her own. The address is or you can click on the link to the right under Family and Friend.
Please check it out.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
New Blog to look at.
Posted by Ann at 1:34 PM 0 comments
Friday, November 28, 2008
Another Tea Party
This weekend we went to Tyson parents house. And of course Vilate wanted to take her tea set. They had a tea party of hot apple cider with left over pie and crackers with ham and brie cheese. Vilate said " This is the best cheese ever." I can not believe how developed her taste is. She is getting so big.
Posted by Ann at 3:51 PM 0 comments
This Thanksgiving we went to Amy's house for dinner. Everyone had a great time. Amy made the turkey, stuffing and rolls. Mom brought yamms, green bean cassrole, 7 layer salad and a fruite salad. Kelsey brought mashed potatos and eggnog. Abe made a yummy squach soup, and I made the pies. 2 pumpkin, 1 peach, 2 apple, 2 chocolate mousse, 1 peacon, and the 1 cherry. I put 1 pumpkin and 1 apple in the fezezer to save it for Christmas.
Vilate made a wonderful book at school. It was all about the things she is thankful for. She read it to every one. She mentioned family, school, frinds, food, home, and holiday. I was so proud of how hard she worked on it.
After dinner, dessert and dished were done we pulled out the sale adds. I made a list and a plan for the next day. I love the huge sales and the great deals the day after Thanksgiving. I got up at 3:30am and was out the door with in a hour the next morning. I got everything I planned and ALL my Christmas shopping is DONE!
Posted by Ann at 3:39 PM 2 comments
Polar Express
I took Grandma to the Cherry Creek mall the begining on November to have her watch fixed. It's not a mall I usely go to because other ones are closser. At that time they were just setting up the Santa display. Grandma and I spent a little time looking at it. At that time I knew I wanted to bring the kids to see Santa there. It is the best Santa display I have seen. It is based on the movie The Polar Express. We love the Polar Express. Evern befor the movie came out the kids loved to read the book. The Wednesay before Thanksgiving I took the kids to see Santa. I was not allowed to take a photo of the kids with him. The display had a ton of other great photo places. Grandma and Maddy went with use too. We all had a great time. My camera's batters was total dead so I could not get all the photos I wanted. Oh well.... it's just another reason to go back.
Posted by Ann at 3:32 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Pho (FU)
Vilate and Taydom have been asking to go get Pho the past few weeks. We did not find a Pho resteronts around Northborough and the kids missed it. For those that don't know Pho is rice noddle. It is Gluten Free and so it is on our short list of restaurants we can go to. Vilate got her favoite, Pho with shrip, Taydom got the stand by, Pho with chicken. Tyson had Pho with Stake cabadge, broth and sprouts. I'm not a fan of Pho so I just gone 2 spring rolls. Maddy was with us too. She have never had Pho befor and so we were not sure if she would like it. We were happy to se that she loved it. Sometimes it is hard to get her to try new things but to my surprise she ate so fast.
Posted by Ann at 9:32 AM 0 comments
WishBone mis-happ
The other day I cooked a whole chicken. I set aside the wish bone to let it dry. The kids were so excited once it was time to break it. They made their wishes and pulled. I could not believe how it broke. We were not sure who got their wish. We will have a rematch with the turkey wishbone a few days after Thanksgiving.
Posted by Ann at 9:20 AM 1 comments
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Denver Zoo
Saturday's weather was so nice and we went to the Zoo. The kids only need a light jacket. All the animals were very active. I had only gone to the Zoo in the summer when the animal are all laying around. It was quite exciting to see the animal walking around. Throughout the whole day the Lion were roaring. The kids loved to hear them.This is not a good photo but you can still see that the gorilla is looking right at Vilate. The gorilla stood there for a while and just looked at her.
Vilate Favorites were the giraffes or maybe it was the alligators.
Taydom favorite was the blue frogs. We wanted to take one home until we read they were poisones. He still loved then but time not want to take it home.
Posted by Ann at 10:38 PM 2 comments
Denvers first snow fall
Denver had it's first snow fall Friday. The kids were so excited when I woke them up and told them it was snowing. They ran to the window and could not believe their eyes. The weather man said it could snow a few times but nothing fell. The kids have been really sad, so then they woke up to snow on Friday they had huge plans to make a snowman once they got home from school. But the sun came out and melted most of the snow by the time they got home. I'm sure it will snow again realy soon. I'm not sure I am ready yet but the kids are.
Posted by Ann at 10:13 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Kids Photos
Every October scene Vilate was born the kids have taken picture together. Some years the pictures turn out good and other years are not so great. I think these turned out pretty good.
2001 and 2004 are MIA. Hopefully they are in storage.... somewhere....2002
Posted by Ann at 9:22 PM 3 comments
How much is gas were you live?
Can you believed it? Gas for under $2.00. Tyson filled up his car with the high grade tonight and I could not believe it was only $26.00. How much is gas were you live?
Posted by Ann at 8:50 PM 2 comments
Another Tea Party
The other day Vilate had a Tea Party at Grandma Great's house. She invited Olivia and Maddy and Grandma Great. The girls had ham and cheese cracker sandwich, chocolate peanut butter cookies with hot chocolate to drink. Taydom was the server. He was the best server I think I have ever seen. Every one was on their best behavior.
Posted by Ann at 8:37 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 1, 2008
For Halloween we all dressed up as rock stars. It started with Vilate wanting to be Hannah Montana. Then I found leather pants at GoodWill for $4.00. I had to put them with my tattoo shirt that I've had for a few years. I found tattoo sleeves for Taydom and Tyson. We had a lot of fun together. Taydom just LOVED his tattoos.
I bought red and black color for my hair but unforchanitly I spent too much time making a fun dinner for the kids and ran out of time to do my hair. My fun cousin Shelly also Rocked Out at the ward trunck of treat.
Posted by Ann at 4:31 PM 0 comments
Halloween Dinner
Halloween Day I made a fun dinner for every one. I made candy corn jello and green slim macaroni casserole. The jello was fun to make. First I made orange jello and let it set and then I layered lemon jello. I wiped it to give is an airy creamy look. Last, white marshmallows. Wiping cream would be great too but Taydom can eat marshmallows. For the casserole I added green food coloring to the pasta water to made the macaroni green. The kids loved the fun dinner, too bad we had to eat it really fast to make it to the church Halloween truck or treat.
Posted by Ann at 3:36 PM 2 comments