A while ago I had this idea to make a huge spider web in the front yard; and then I got sick..... I finally started felling better and just put the webs up the other day. I had a great time making them them. I took white yarn and imagined myself being a spider. The kids loved them too. I took them to local discount store and bought a large rubber spider. They named it Charlotte from the book Charlotte's Web. First think every morning Vilate goes outside to wake Charlotte up. She talked to Charlotte and pretended that she would talk back. That's not quite what I had in mind when I made the webs or bought the large spider but Vilate loved it. Taydom thought it was fun to throw rocks and leaves at the webs to see if they would stick like a real web. He said we need to get a glue stick and rub it all over the yarn to make it sticky like a real web. I love how different my kids are and how they look at things so differently.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Spiders have taken over
Posted by Ann at 10:37 PM 3 comments
Monday, October 27, 2008
FUNtastic BooBall
Friday night the kids had a school Halloween Party. We all dressed up. Vilate was Hannah Montana, Taydom and I ware tattoo sleeves and were rockers/bikers. I found my shirt a few years ago at Harley-Davidson. I have worn it out a few times and love to see the looks I get from people. I found a pair of black leather pants at Good Will for $4.00. I had to buy them. They looked great but they were SO HOT. I worked the popcorn machine some of the night. That might have something to do with how HOT I was.
Yummy!!!!! Vilate loves Cotton Candy.
Playing spin the wheel. Tayosm played this game over and over. I asked him if he was trying to win the big price. He said, "NOPE, it's was fun to spin it".
Yep! More Cotton Candy. I don't get it. I never liked the stuff, and still today when the kids give me a piece and ask me to try it, I can not hardly stand it.
The school principal was such a great sport. The DJ was dress up as a Mad Scientis and cooked up a batch of slime. The DJ drew six kids names out a basket and they got to dump the slime on Mr. B.
Posted by Ann at 9:35 AM 1 comments
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Littleton Historical Museum
Thursday Taydom's class went to Littleton Historical Museum. It is a great place to visit and learn about the 1860s to 1890s. Inside the museums main building you will find the artifacts and display behind glass but out back is were the fun is found. They have a real working farm using only things of that time period. Taydom loved the blacksmith shop the best. I think all the kids did. The local community college offer a blacksmith class that also take place in the same place.
We also spent some time in the houses and school. The kids thought they were neat but not as cool as the blacksmith shop. In the house that was from the 1860s they had a real fire cooking lunch for the farm hands, and other women were spinning wool in to yarn. I ask them were they got the wool and I was surprised to learn they got it from the sheep they raised. They were making wool shawls for the winter. I asked them if they lived here too, They said No, they went home at the end of the day, they do this because it was fun.
Taydom thought the corn drying was really cool. We wanted to turn it in to popcornTaydom told me to take a picture of him reaching for the tomatoes. He said " I wouldn't touch them but just take a picture of he reaching for them."
Posted by Ann at 7:06 PM 0 comments
Wedding Flowers
My mom has a small side business of flower arranging. She learned this skill from her grandfather as a child. She has worked in many flower shops and helped run her family flower shop. Today she has her commercial license and does it out of her house. She does not advertise but gets new clients from word of mouth. This last weekend see did a wedding for my brothers friend. Here are some photos. I did not like the flower choice the bride picked but my mom always seems to make it look nice.Oops! I forgot to get a photo of this one with the ribbon rapped around it.
Posted by Ann at 6:28 PM 2 comments
Monday, October 20, 2008
Missing New England Fall
I love New England in the fall. The colors of the tree are the prettiest I have ever seen. All summer long I would tell myself to hang in there with the humidity. It will not last and then fall with come. So I withstood the humidity this last summer but were is my reward. I miss the colors and the cool crisp New England fall air. So I thought I would post some of my favorite photos I took of last year.
The colors were so bright. These photos do not do it justice.
The parking lot of the mall had a great verity of colors.
One of my nighbors trees. This red was so bright it almost look like it was on fire.This was a street just around the corner from my house. Down this road a little is the local farm. I tryed to buy as much of our veggitables there. Fresh from the farm veggies are the best!
My neighbors tree started changing color from the top down. It went though many colors of yellow, red, and orange. This one is one of my favorite because you can see my house and car in the background too.
Posted by Ann at 9:05 AM 1 comments
Thursday, October 16, 2008
First Tea Party with the new set
We had our first tea party with Vilate new tea set the other day. Or should I say Hot Chocolate/ Apple Cider party. Shes had a party almost every day since her birthday. She loves her new set. Shes told me many time that it is just the right size. It's not tiny like all the other sets and it's not too big for some one her age.
Posted by Ann at 11:29 PM 0 comments
Happy Birthday Kelsey
October 10 was my sister, Kelsey, birthday. Friday night she came over for ice cream and cheese cake. She turned 20. Wow! my baby sister is now 20. Do not do the math but, the difference in age between my youngest sister and myself is the same as the difference in age between my sister and my daughter. ( almost to the day). I don't fell that much older then Kelsey but when I think of myself at her age and how fast time flow it makes me think of my daughter. Man, Vilate could be 20 in a blink of an eye.
Posted by Ann at 11:24 PM 0 comments
Halloween Treats
I am part of a group that meets once a mouth to do paper crafts and exchange homemade cards. I have been part of this group for about 3ish year. I really enjoy it. While I living in Mass I mailed my cards for the exchange and a week or so later I received my exchange package. This is what wer did for this mouths paper crafts.
Posted by Ann at 11:12 PM 2 comments
Monday, October 13, 2008
What color is your Tongue?
Friday nigh while working on Vilate birthday cake the kids thought it was so cool how the frosting became pink when I put food coloring. Taydom wanted to make the frosting blue but I told him it was Vilate's and she wanted pink. He went off to play and came back insisting that I put a drop of blue on this tongue . I told him NO but he kept on asking. I gave in and put one drop of blue food coloring on this tongue. He ran to the bathroom to see, and then ran all over the house showing everyone. Vilate came running downstairs yelling "I want Pink". I told her pink would not work very well because her tongue was already red then she asked for green. Vilate whole mouth and teeth turned green. It looked kinda gross but they both loved it.
It lasted for over an hour.
Posted by Ann at 2:52 PM 1 comments
Vilate's Birthday
October 11 was Vilate birthday. She turned 7. Wow! time flies so fast. I have never see her as excited for her birthday as she was this year. She asked for a wedding castle cake. She drew me picture of what she wanted it to look like weeks ago. I made the towers out of ice cream cones covered with a pink tinted glaze
We got her a new tea set. I adding some decor to it. Once that is done it will be another blog entree. This is her 4th or 5th set. She loves hot chocolate parties. Every other set has been really small. I wanted to find one that was a little bigger. I looked and looked for at least 6 months and could only find small ones. These are actually espresso cup from Crate and Barrel, but they are the perfect size for little hands.
Of course Tyson made her a great dinner. Shrimp Alfredo with peas. She has a very mature taste pallet. I did not start liking shrimp until I was in High School. The rest of us had hamburgers. We are really trying to keep the grocery bill down. She felt so special to have that much shrimp.
We had the family come over for cake and ice cream. They stayed and played Barbies for a while. Vilate wanted a friend party but I told her no because she had a big one last year and this year we do not have the money. I think she had as much fun if not more this year with just cousins as she did this year.
Posted by Ann at 11:10 AM 3 comments
The maze
Whole Food is one of my favorite shops. It is very $$$ but I try to shop there as much as our budget will allow. The local store set up a small maze on the sidewalk outside. Friday evening we had a family date to Qdoba for dinner. After dinner the kids enjoyed walking the maze. Sometimes small simple spontaneous things are the most fun.
Posted by Ann at 10:55 AM 0 comments
Monday, October 6, 2008
Pumpkins Shirts
This weekend we had a lot of fun making pumpkin shirts. First we put rubber bands around white T-shirts and dyed them in orange dye. After washing and drying them, the kids took a black permanent maker and drew jack-o-lantern faces. One thing to remember for next time is to dye all the shirts together. If not the first one come out dark and the last one come out much lighter.
Posted by Ann at 1:17 PM 3 comments
Friday, October 3, 2008
Rose Garden
Yeaterday I took Grandma to the dentist. On our way back, Grandma mention something about the Littleton Rose Garden. We decided to take a short detore and try of find it. A few years back I accidentally found it so I kinda had an idea were it was. We drove around the back street of the neighborhoods looking and trying to remember were it was. We found a few more parks and lakes too. Finally we found it. We send only a short 30 minutes but we really enjoyed it.
Here are some of my favorit photos we took.
Posted by Ann at 9:35 AM 1 comments