Monday, May 26th was our first day back in Boston. The kids were having a hard time and so I wanted to do something fun with them that we can not do in Colorado. We pack up and went to the beach. Last summer we went a few times and the kids loved it and so I thought it would be a great time to go again. We would do something they love here in Boston that they can not do in Denver and hopefully being in the sun all day would tier them out so at 8:00 eastern time they will want to go to bed even thou they were still on Mountain time. It is always hard adjusting back. They played all day having the best time. They asked about Nana and Papa, and Grandma and Aunts and Uncles and cousins, but they wanted them to come to Boston instead of wanting to go bad to Colorado. So all you family and friends that is reading this...... Taydom and Vilate want you to come and go to the beach with them. We love and miss you all.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Memorial Day
Posted by Ann at 7:37 PM 0 comments
Back to Boston.
Sunday May 25th, we headed back to Boston. I had mixed emotions as we got on the plain. It would be great to be in my own bed and in my own house but I would be so far away from the people I love and the best state in the U.S. I love Colorado! The kids cried the morning we left. I am sure they felt the same way. They like their new friends and school and teacher and home but they love Colorado so much too. They will miss there grandparents and aunts and uncles, their cousins and their friends.
Posted by Ann at 5:48 PM 0 comments
Stuff your face!
All you can eat buffets are great! There is so much to choice from and everyone can get what they want. There is always a salad bar with tons of fresh veggies and fruit. Now if you stay here you may be okay but be cautious of the dressings. There is steamed fish or veggies smothered in butter. So you think you are eating healthy but in reality you are coating your arteries with a thick slab of cholesterol . They have yummy casseroles of rice and broccoli and don't forget the chesses. Yes, the cheese the best part; that will line all your thighs with cellulite and saddle bags. You can always find a ton of fried foods like chicken, fish or frenchfries. How fantastic they are too. And the cherry on top is the dessert bar. How many different kinds of mouth watering, plates of calories and sugar can you fit is a small tray? It is all so amazingly good looking and so yummy I always stuff my face.
Posted by Ann at 3:16 PM 0 comments
Taydom's Baptism
Saturday, May 24th Taydom was baptized. He turned eight in January but he did not want to be baptized right away. We did not want to force him but wanted him to make the choice on his own. We talked to him about it and tried to teach him what it meant. We put him in Special Olympics swimming to help him fell comfortable in the water and then one day he said he wanted to get baptized when we were in Colorado. We had planned a trip for a few months and having it there more of our family would be able to come. It worked out great. Taydom was baptized by his father Tyson, in the same fount that Tyson was baptized in 12 years ago.
It was nice to have so many of our family and friends to be able to stand in the conformation circle. From left to right Kevin Sloan, Bishope Ostermiller, Tyson Winfrey, Alma Martineau, Dean Martineau, Allen Martineau, Aaron Martineau. In frount Taydom.
Posted by Ann at 12:42 PM 0 comments
Lunch with ABE
Saturday, May 24th we met up with my brother Abe for lunch. We all ate Pho. The kids, Tyson and Abe all love Pho. I just went to see my brother. We have not found a Pho place close to us in Boston, however on the way to the airport saw one. (or should I say, when we got lost trying to find the parking lot at the airport.) We visited for about an hour even after we finished eating. I thing the people working were happy to see use go.
Posted by Ann at 12:31 PM 0 comments
Fantastic Read
Vilate and Nana love to read together. Vilate is a fantastic reader too. I have not sat down to teacher her to read, I have only pointed to the words as I read to her. Some how she picked it up on her own. Nana said she use to read the same books to Vilate that Vilate is now reading to her Nana. Vilate was so proud to show Nana how good of a reader she had become.
Posted by Ann at 12:01 PM 0 comments
My, you have grown !!!
Wednesday, May 21 we headed to Tyson parents house. First thing Taydom saw was his old bike. He was getting too big for it so we left it behind to buy a new one in Boston. He insisted that Papa get it down right away. Papa took off the training wheels and Taydom helped Papa pump the tire up. I could not believe how much bigger he looked on the bike. I know he had grown but I did not realize how much. Papa and Taydom went for a few rides around the neighborhood and on the bike trails just out side the front door. ( That is one thing I REALLY miss. The hitting and bike trails that are right out your front door.)
Posted by Ann at 11:44 AM 0 comments
Great Weather!!!!
The weather was perfect the whole time we were in Colorado. Just warm enough and NO humidity. The girls spent most of the time outside riding bikes or playing in the backyard in the sprinklers. Many of the neighbor kids came over to play too.
Posted by Ann at 10:07 AM 0 comments
Boys will be Boys
Taydom and Jaren both love Bionicles. Jaren has many more then Taydom. Taydom thought it was neat to play with so many. They played all day and all night. The built new one and loved to show then to everyone. Taydom brought some of his favorite Transformers too. Jaren thought it was cool to play with them. They shared very nicely. I had me happy to see then playing so well together.
Posted by Ann at 9:47 AM 0 comments